West Elm Outlet: Wrentham, MA

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DiscountRotates weekly and varies by department
Inventory Drop OffMonday through Friday, at random
Delivery AvailableI recommend third party delivery.
WaitlistYes, if you are looking for something specific, provide SKU and contact info
Social MediaInstagram

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Disclaimer: Outlet inventory moves quickly, so it is best to call ahead to confirm if the item is still available. Additionally, I am in no way affiliated with or sponsored by any of the outlets featured and these are solely my own opinions based on my own experiences.

Before jumping into today’s update, please take a moment to check out important information about the West Elm Outlet. This post will provide you with all you need to know about the West Elm Outlet, including all locations, pricing structure, considerations, and more. 

Delivery Days: Massachusetts West Elm Outlet

Typically, new outlets need a bit of time to establish consistent furniture truck deliveries. For now, this outlet is receiving trucks Monday through Friday, at random. I recommend calling ahead to see if they know what day(s) the truck might be arriving that particular week. I will update this post if a more consistent schedule emerges.

Wrentham West Elm Outlet: June 21, 2022

Super pumped for today’s update, which is brought to you by another amazing deal hunter, Kristen, over at @prettycheapthings! This brand-spanking-new outlet is a must stop if you are in the area.

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